Open Educational Resources Committee (OER)
OER Agenda & Meeting Minutes
The Open Educational Resources Committee (OER) serves as a subcommittee of the Academic
Senate. The goal of the committee is to explore current trends in utilizing open educational
resources, to evaluate policies and procedures regarding OERs, to develop strategies
to encourage Imperial Valley College faculty to explore and adopt OER, to develop
resource requests for OER development, and to provide regular updates and reports
on the committee’s activities to the Academic Senate.
Meeting Dates: 3rd Tuesday of each month
Time: 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting available via Zoom
- Gail Warner– Interim VP Of Academic Services (Co-chair)
- Cerise Myers – Faculty, OER Coordinator, ASCCC-OERI Liaison (Co-chair)
- Raul Aguilera – Librarian
- Omar Alshykhly – Faculty
- Daniel Hernandez – Ed Tech Specialist
- Julie Kunath – Faculty
- Francisco Menchaca – Bookstore Manager
- Xochitl Tirado – DE Coordinator, Recorder
- Jeremy Wyatt – Access Technology/Alternative Media Specialist
- ASG Reps
- IN ABSENTIA due to Counseling scheduling: Monica Minor – Counseling Representative